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Demographic Transition Model

The Demographic Transition Model is a model that shows how birth rates and death rates affect the population as well as change in population over time

(The demographic transition model, 2014).

There are five stages of the Demographic Transition Model.

Stage One:

Birth rates and death rates are high,

causing a low and balanced population.

Stage Two:

While the birth rates remain high,

the death rates begin to fall due to improved health care and sanitation.

Population begins to rise.

Stage Five:

Population is high but will begin to decline because of the ageing population.

People are deciding to have children

later in life and there is an ongoing desire for smaller families.

Stage Four:

Population is high but balanced due to low birth rates and low death rates.

There is a desire for smaller families

and contraception is widely available.

Stage Three:

Population is rising rapidly due to 

a high rate of natural increase.

The gap between birth rates and 

death rates begins to narrow because fewer children are needed to work.

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